An Valuable and Reliable Information Platform for People in Fresh Food Industry

LongSCM is committed to providing a platform for easy availability of fresh products mainly by setting up a reliable communication bridge between Mainland China's buyers and suppliers from other countries around the globe. Long SCM works together with Atlantic Canada Business Network in integrating the supply and procurement sides. LongSCM is committed to building a trustworthy communication bridge between suppliers from other countries around the globe and Mainland China's buyers through the taste of best products and marketing at both ends in order to find more cooperation opportunities. LongSCM works effectively through real time update of the market conditions as well as making analysis of the big market data. Customers will firmly grasp the market trends in the fresh food industry and gain insight into more business opportunities.

The mini program is coming soon~

Our Services

Market Information
We provide customers with a digital information platform. Through real-time quotations from source suppliers and big data analysis of market trends, both suppliers and buyers can timely master the market situation in order to adjust business strategies and discover more cooperation opportunities.

Market Subscription
We provide market information subscription services for customers. Customers can subscribe to any products they're interested in and after subscription they can get the market change at any time.

Certification Service
We provide customers with certification services which are jointly managed by Guangzhou Cloud Chain Aviation Co., Ltd. and Atlantic Canada Business Network (ACBN). Hence the certifications we provide are with authority and credibility. Suppliers and buyers certified by LongSCM will become our high-quality customers, and so they can trust each other in our platform.

Supply chain financial service
We provide customers with financial services solutions. Buyers have to open an account at the designated bank. After the buyers deposits the payment into the designated bank account, the bank will freeze the payment and then we will notify the suppliers to deliver goods. After the suppliers ship the goods to the China Southern Airlines plane, we will notify the bank to release the payment to the suppliers. In this way, both suppliers and buyers can be served well financially.

Digital Marketing Service
We provide our customers with digital marketing services. We provide precise marketing services for our customers so that their promotions can be reached to end users one step ahead.

Our Advantages

Huge Chinese Market

iiMedia Research data shows that the fresh food e-commerce industry in China has remained a steady growth. In 2020, China's fresh food e-commerce market reached 263.84 billion RMB with a rapid growth of 62.9% . iiMedia consulting analysts believe that the fresh food e-commerce has been reborn due to the epidemic in 2020. In the future, the market size of fresh food e-commerce in China hopefully will continue to expand, with the development of domestic cold-chain logistics, the rise of new retail e-commerce model, and the change thinking of the young generation in buying fresh food in the field of e-commerce.

More Realistic Market Data

The market data is directly provided by our source suppliers, which means the data sources are more realistic and the industry data we provide for our customers are more worthy of reference.

More Trustworthy Partners

LongSCM platform users are all high-quality suppliers and buyers who are jointly certified by the Guangzhou Cloud Chain Aviation Co., Ltd. and the Atlantic Canada Business Network (ACBN), therefore buyers and suppliers can easily cooperate with confidence.

More Complete Product Information

Have everything suppliers want to know -
commodity management, big data analysis and customer management
More detailed commodity information management
for buyers to know you better
Complete management system
to help suppliers reach more customers

Our Partners